How To Get A Medical School Scholarship

Embarking on a path to becoming a healthcare professional is exciting, but, as many students quickly discover, can also be financially daunting. Prospective medical students shouldn’t let the high cost of tuition discourage them from chasing their dreams. There are numerous scholarships available, designed to assist students in their medical school journey. This in-depth guide will serve as your map on the road to securing these scholarships, detailing not just the types of scholarships, but also offering precise strategies for successfully getting them.

Types of Medical School Scholarships

1. Merit-Based Scholarships

These scholarships are primarily awarded based on a student’s academic achievements and their overall merit. They typically consider things like GPA, test scores, and leadership experiences. Scholarships like these aim to reward students who have proven their worth acadically and socially.


  • Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship1 Named to honor the first African American Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), this scholarship is awarded to minority students in their healthcare management final graduate year. It’s valued at $5,000 and emphasizes academic excellence and leadership potential.
  • Tylenol Future Care Scholarships: These scholarships, with a potential value up to $10,000, are given to students exhibiting exceptional academic performance, robust commitment, and a bright future in the field of healthcare.

2. Need-Based Scholarships

Unlike merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships are designed for students displaying substantial financial need. While some consider academic performance, their primary focus lies in helping those with considerable financial limitations.


  • AMA Foundation Physicians of Tomorrow Scholarships: This scholarship acknowledges students in their final medical school year with considerable financial complications. It offers $10,000 to ease the financial burden and is provided by the American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation.
  • Herbert W. Nickens Medical Student Scholarships: These scholarships award $5,000 each to exceptional students who’ve demonstrated significant efforts towards eradicating inequalities in medical education and health care. It’s available to students entering the third year of medical school and exhibits both need and merit-based properties.

3. Scholarships Targeting Specific Medical Specialties

Some scholarships target students intending to work in specific medical fields or areas of specialty. These are perfect for students willing to commit to a particular area of medicine throughout their education period and beyond.


  • American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Medical Student Scholarship5: This scholarship by the AAN is oriented towards medical students with a keen interest in both neurology and neuroscience research.
  • American Society of Hematology (ASH) Minority Medical Student Award Program6: ASH provides this award to minority students with a burning interest in hematology research. It values the diversity inherent in medical research fields.

4. Service-Obligation Scholarships

Distinct from the other types, service-obligation scholarships are granted on the understanding that the student will commit to serving in designated areas upon graduation. These scholarships often cover extensive costs but require the student to work in high-need areas, often for a predetermined period.


  • National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program7: This scholarship program requires students to commit to a minimum of two years practicing in high-need areas. In return, it covers tuition, fees, and even offers a living stipend.
  • Indian Health Services Scholarships8: Scholarships from this program are designed for students of American Indian or Alaska Native descent. Recipients are required to commit to serving in specific areas upon graduation.

Strategies for Securing Medical School Scholarships

1. Start Scholarship Searches Early

The earlier you begin your search for scholarships, the better your chances. Scholarship applications often require extensive documentation, and deadlines can sneak up on you. You’d be at a considerable advantage by starting early, and you’ll have more time to assemble all requisite documents.

2. Strive for an Impressive Academic Record

High grades and impressive academic records are crucial for merit-based scholarships. Anything you can do to bolster your academic credentials, be it engaging in relevant research or joining extracurricular activities, increases your chance of securing such scholarships.

3. Craft a Compelling Personal Essay

A personal essay is your chance to shine, to set yourself apart from the rest of the applicants. Share your inspiring stories, express your passion for medicine, and explain why you wish to be a healthcare professional. Remember to keep it genuine and captivating.

4. Obtain Impactful Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation from respected lecturers, mentors, or professionals in the field can significantly sway the decision in your favor. Reach out to these individuals and request recommendation letters that’ll testify your worthiness for a medical scholarship.

Final Thoughts

So, while pursuing a medical career may indeed be expensive, an array of scholarships awaits eager and deserving students. Remember, when curating applications, your job is to prove you’re worth the investment. Be authentic, communicate your dedication to the profession, and let your passion for medicine shine through your application.